Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Monday, July 5, 2010

YAY Cousins!

Now this is a fun post! We were able to see alot of cousins when we were down..short quick visits but it was awesome!Aunt Laurel brought Lacee,Chase and Grant over to my Moms...FINALLY! I was soooooo happy to see them.. Lacee is so cute and watching her and Cooper together was so special! We have the closest of all the cousins in age! They are only 2 weeks apart! We let the babies play outside in the sun while Uncle Bucky and Tanner entertained the boys and walked them downto Rite Aid for an ice cream cone.. it was great cant wait to do it again!! Sorry we didnt get to see Trev( or Martin) of the siblings this trip- but we hope to be down in August!


  1. Oh, how beautiful!!! Great photos of them all together!!!

  2. Awww cute cousins!!!! It's great for them all to get together!
