Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

9 1/2 Month Exam and Happenings!

Oh My! I cannot catch up!!!!!!!! Cooper is BUSY , Summer is BUSY! I am still trying to catch up Cali trip and June events... oh well!! I guess it will happen in due time! :) LOL

Wed. July 12th Cooper got his right front tooth, followed by Fri July 14th the second left front tooth popped out..

now he has 4 2 top, 2 bottom and hes working on the top 2 eye teeth..oh wow its been fuss city here lately!

As you can see in the photo he has been standing for moments without holding on to anything!
Here he got to use his special box from the bookshelf to try standing from!
Took this photo today!
Cooper and Tanner had a joint doc appt today. Cooper was 19.7 lbs (25th percentile) and 28.25"(40th percentile) and head was 90th percentile. They said its prob nothing but if it continues to rise and not level out by 12 months they want to ultrasound it- but the fact that hes great on everything meeting all milestones except playing peek a boo and waving bye bye- its prob no worry, he'll grow into it- we say big brain, smart baby!
Tanner was on 85th percentile for both height and weight. 5'7" and 140 lbs! He needs to drink more water though!!! Tanner had 3 shots but didnt flinch that big shot!!:)
Coops been rocking out on the floor with or without music lately but definately likes reggae!!! We dance to that! I gave him little bit of angel hair pasta w/parmesan and butter tonight he did good with it- Iam still scared to death of choking!
Cooper loves to throw his rings and toys and plays a game with himself throwing and going and getting them. He loves a little finger puppet "chick" that was Tanners and loves on it. He likes his animal feel book especially the chick and dog! He is getting a real personality!
He's still nursing good, poor moms getting chomped on now and then! And he stills sleeps with me and is up at least 4 x a night!~He loves Woody and Lulu. Tanner and Buck have given him lots of naps in the hammock lately. We got a baby pool and he likes splashing around!
Tans been going to the pool here and there and going to teen dances- and lifting weights for football- since the house is so small they've been clearing him a hangout area on the side of the barn- he put up a speed bag- and has a radio..a real teen! LOL! Love the Boys so much!


  1. Awww all sounds like a fun summer!!!!!

    Is Cooper wearing those "denim" diapers? I've seen the commercials and they crack us up.

  2. Hi Heather!!!!!!! Yep, denim diapers!! Had to get them! :)

  3. I am so glad that Coop is doing so great and YAY for Tan being such a big boy with the shots!! LOL. Char, I swear it is time to ween when they start chomping LOL
