Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Coopers First River Trip & Other Happenings!

.. Today we went to the Deschutes River( all within about 30 min from us)where the Wickiup Reservoir spills in and went fishing. Tanner and Bucky were fishing.Buck caught a trout on like his first cast :) Lucky!Cooper and I hung out on the bank where it was real shallow. He played with rocks he found and splashed his feet and hands in the water. He didnt like it when I set him down in it- it is still pretty dang cold! We ate lunch out there and Cooper ate little bites of my turkey.
Last night as well as tonight ( leftovers!) he ate little bites of pork loin and potatoes and carrots that I cooked really soft in the crock pot( you know I am a choking freak!)LOL! It was a fun day and beautiful out.

Tonight when I bathed him in his baby bath ( in the shower)I added extra bubbles and he decided it would be really fun to keep putting his face in them and come up with bubble face! He did this over and over again happy that we were playing a game as each time I was shocked and laughed and wiped his bubbles off- he's so cute.


  1. Awww sweet bath story!! Looks like your day at the river was really nice.

  2. Sounds like you are having tons of fun, and enjoy the second time around with little Cooper.

  3. Sis, that sounds like so much fun! The river is absolutely gorgeous!!
