Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Appointments and Such

I am backtracking a little as I havent blogged all long. Feb. 17 . 09 So I was pretty worried at about 5 1/2 weeks- I was having spotting so I did go in and have HCG labs ran- the first time they were 3,200 and then 48 bhrs later they had jumped to 5,850 ( a good thing) I had an ultrasound done where there wasnt really much to see at this point just a gestational sac , no yolk sac or embryo yet... the measurement put me back a week though by measuring the sac to 4 Weeks 5 days.

I had my first OB appt on 2/24 just the regular exam and paperwork- I was prescribed progesterone supplements to take daily to help strengthen the pregnancy... some think it work...others are skeptical of it.

I have been very reluctant to yell out that I am pregnant to all my family and friends as I am scared. After losing the baby last year at 16 weeks and having one prior miscarriage before that I am being very cautious about it.. thats why alot of people don't know yet.. I want to be happy and optimistic and I am trying to be! I am very hopeful that all will turn out well with this baby!

1 comment:

  1. Sissy, you have had such a hard year :-( Please know that I love you and pray that everything will work out and you will be holding a beautiful little boy or girl in your arms in October :-)
