Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

25 Week OB Appointment!

Well the appt went really well! My blood pressure was registering 119/78.

And I talked the doctor into doing an ultrasound for me! My cervical length is all good and closed as it should be, plenty of fluid around the baby, and the baby is measuring on the 65th percentile and weighs 1lb 15 oz. They said my estimated due date is more likely around 10/13 rather than 10/22.

I also had my 1 hr glucose tolerance test and I passed, barely , but I still passed. I had it with Tanner so I was pretty sure I would have it this time too.. but its still early so I really should watch the sugar more closely regardless.

I was worried because the blood draw is supposed to be taken 1hr, and the lab tech could not get my blood drawn- she dug and dug (ouch!) and finally got it 20 minutes after she should have so I hope it didnt affect the results, it was 132...

But the baby looks sooo cute in his picture , looks alot like Tanner to me!! I am relieved it went so well and very happy too!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Charla, he DOES look a lot like Tanner! Oooh, gorgeous!! I love it!! :-) Don't you just love 3D ultrasounds? They are my favorite! Hey, Alex looks just like his ;-)

    Love you guys! Can't wait to see you!
