Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

April 14th...

WOW I have some SERIOUS catching up to do! I want to mark this date April 14th 2010 as the first day Cooper reached for me to pick him up and also the first day Bucky walked in the room and he said "Dada" at him!! Love him!!!


  1. Awww...great memory! Good job knowing the date!!! Too cute.
    Catch up..can't wait to hear more of your 'Happening!'


  2. Awwww! Cooper!!!! That is so amazing!!!!

  3. Cutest Easter Bunny I've ever seen. Looks like you all had a Fun Easter. Love the picture of Tanner hunting for eggs.
    Love to all
    Mom Grandma
