Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were an hour old I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.

The Boys!

Birthday Birthday

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our Camping Adventure...

I have got to catch up on these posts! About March 19th we went camping for three days, unfortunately the weather did not cooperate, but we had fun anyways! The first day we went over to Applegate and set up a camp. Coop and I slept in the back of the Burb, Tan and Buck tented it. Bucky BBQ'd our burgers in the rain! We had smores...

The next day we went to Crescent City,CA the plan was to hang some at the beach then head over to The Redwoods. IT POURED! We didnt even get down to the beach :(.. we had chinese food in a hotel in Crescent.. OH WELL! Next day still raining but not quite as bad. We did walk through the Redwoods. It is the most beautiful of forests in my opinion! The rain made it all so much even greener than usual- we walked down to this river spot...gorgeous! We then started heading back and made it back to the Medford area, we were going to camp again but it was getting dark and still drizzly so we stayed in a small cabin in the campground..with heat! It had bunkbeds and a kitchen... it was fun! Bucky bbq'd hotdogs- it was fun. Tanner really wanted to go to The Oregon Caves... so we drove there.. unfortunately Coop wasn't allowed in so we hung in the car, it was more a Buck/Tan thing. They sounded really amazing! I have a pic to post.

Then we headed on home. The car ride was a little rough with Coopster. Least we know what to expect for when we head to SLO soon!


  1. OMG, Charla! It looks like an enchanted forest from a fairytale!!! I know the weather stunk and there were likely hardships as a result (LOL) but truly - the photos are breathtaking.

  2. Your pictures are amazing. I agree wiht Jennifer that it looks like an echanted forest!
    All Coop's new pix are sooooo cayute!
    Love the photo of the huge tree roots. So cool!
